Reflection Week 4

Week 4 Class Take Away
I would have to say taking notes was a little easier watching the recording because I was able to go at my own pace and listen with out distractions.  After taking notes on three chapters I thought my hand was going to fall off, there was so much great information I had to be sure to write it all down.

Chapter 9  I enjoyed learning about the borrowed words from around the world that we use today in the English language.  And that there are 42 phonemes in the English language, wow!  We touched on Halliday's Seven Functions of Language, instrumental, regulatory, personal, interactional, heuristic, imaginative, and informative.

Chapter 10 My favorite section was about the Readers Theater, the children interpret a book or a portion of a book in a dramatic presentation.  The very first time I did this was right after graduating from Mizzou.  I had a group of preschoolers who loved to "read" The Very Grouchy Ladybug by Eric Carle.  So the preschoolers picked an animal they wanted to be, made a mask/costume, and they acted out the book, (one of the teachers was in charge of changing the time on a homemade clock).   First we acted it out for a few friends from the other preschool room, then we invited the Child Development director of the preschool to view our screening.  Finally I left it up to the students and we invited the parents to watch.  The preschoolers learned so much about telling a story and everyone loved the activity.  Unfortunately the preschool teacher I work with now does not like to these types of reading activities.😟

Chapter 11 Listening:  My big take away from this chapter was how to help students develop listening skills.  The teacher has to provide a purpose for listening, create an atmosphere for listening, provide follow-up activities, and use the teaching strategies at least once a week.  I think a good teacher models listening skills as well.

Chap. 4 and 5 Take Aways: Chapter 4 Phonics is all about the sound symbol relationships, decoding and spelling help students with reading and writing.  I had no idea that Kindergarteners take simple spelling test.  Chapter 5 Writing is a five step process and according to the Missouri Learning Standards Kindergarteners are introduced to the five step writing process.  Prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.
I am learning so much about Language Arts my head is about to burst! 😀                        


  1. I am so with you on that Jen.I loved how class went this week just because I was able to stop if I needed to take and take extra time taking notes and making notes in my textbook. It made things easier and I could keep up.

  2. It is crazy that even kindergarteners use the 5 step writing process! I would like to see that in action. I took a class about the history of the English language at Mizzou and it was one of the most informational and interesting classes I have ever taken. I learned so much about sounds.

  3. I am learning a lot about how you all like to learn! I will be sure to include more breaks and opportunities to soak in all the information!


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