Week 1 Reflection on first class

     Wow!  This is my first virtual course on Blackboard and I am feeling a little overwhelmed.  Has any else taken a virtual course with Columbia College?  Do you have any pointers?    
     Our Blog post are due Friday and we have to respond to our groups post by Friday at 11:30 pm. The assignments for next class is to read chapters one through five of the textbook and look over the vocabulary terms that were listed for chapters one, two, and three.  The Scope and Sequence for a grade level of our choosing in Language Arts is due Friday the 12th.  Since I am getting a degree in Special Education I need to pick a grade level that I will be working with.  I love teaching preschool so I am leaning toward writing lesson plans and activities for Kindergarten.
     I have been teaching preschool for the last 13 years and I have never completed a Scope and Sequence before since the center used the High/Scope curriculum and the teachers would make lesson plans based on students learning goals and other students IEP goals.  I think this is where most of my worry and overwhelmed feelings come from.  Has anyone done a Scope and Sequence before, if so do you have any tips?          


  1. Hi Jennifer! I've completed a year and a half of online courses at Columbia College. My biggest tip is to keep a planner with assignments and due dates written down. As long as I can physically see what is due, I have no problems completing my work. I do prefer in-seat classes, but online classes are doable. Good luck!

  2. Hi Jennifer! Yes, I completely understand that feeling. I felt that way with my first hybrid class but now this is my 7th hybrid and I've become accustomed to them ;) and I'm definitely with Courtney and the work part. As long as I can see what due, I have no problem getting my work done.

  3. Jennifer, please, email ANY time, or call, or Text, for clarification for your first online class. I love them but I do miss seeing you all face to face.


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