Week 7 Last Blog Post

I was a little nervous at the beginning of the EDUC 337 since this was my first virtual class with Columbia College.  Virtual learning in an interesting experience but I was able to learn a lot about Language Arts.  I always thought Language Arts was just reading and writing but now I know Language Arts is much, much more.  I am excited to get to teach students Readers Theater.  Even thought I do not plan on being in a regular education classroom I will be able to use a lot of the same techniques that were discussed in my Special Education classroom.                


  1. I like hybrid classes. They make taking online classes more bearable! I am a hands-on learner and I need teacher interaction to understand whats going on so I am VERY glad hybrids exist :)

  2. Glad you survived the virtual hybrid!

  3. You most certainly can use these strategies in your special education room. Your students will love it!


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