Word Walls

Kindergarten Word Wall at St. Brendan, Mexico, MO.  The first Word Wall is in their classroom where the students do seat work.  The 2nd -4th are in the second classroom  first names are in red, last names are in blue, and high frequency words are black.

incorporate these into my phonics word wall and discuss words that are decodable in order to reinforce word attack skills.  My students have always been taught sight reading so don't have decoding skills.  Very limiting!!:

I am getting certified in Special Education K-12 I wanted to see what, if anything, was on Pinterest.  I could see this Word Wall in a Life Skills class in High School.  

A Differentiated Kindergarten: Differentiating Word Family Study:
A Kindergarten Word Wall, I like how the word families and pictures are included.  Pictures plus words is a great visual clue.
With so many ways to display a Word Wall, how do we determine which method is the best?
I will be teaching Special Education, hopefully in an Elementary school, I will have multiple grades and multiple Word Walls so I would like to have my students keep their classroom Word Wall on a flip book (index cards and ring) so we can add to it when the regular education teacher or the student needs to add new words.    


  1. OOOH! Job terms is a good one! Some of these in depth word walls can go really well for high school students, in my opinion. I also like the DifferKinder wall with the at, am, ag and ap words thrown up there! I am not going to know what to do with myself when I finally get my own room!!

  2. I love photographs! This is an interesting word wall and I love seeing how different grade levels use them.


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